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PostWysłany: Śro 22:18, 11 Kwi 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Śro 18:47, 14 Lut 2007   Temat postu: dgptdfd

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PostWysłany: Wto 18:00, 13 Lut 2007   Temat postu: fxjwsfa

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PostWysłany: Pon 20:43, 12 Lut 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Nie 18:59, 11 Lut 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Nie 18:49, 11 Lut 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Sob 18:14, 10 Lut 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pią 22:03, 09 Lut 2007   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Śro 17:43, 07 Lut 2007   Temat postu: 名前Cool

邪魔 Hello, nice site001 フフフ

End Wink See you
PostWysłany: Wto 3:44, 06 Lut 2007   Temat postu: 名前Cool

邪魔 Hello, nice site. フフフ

End Wink See you
PostWysłany: Pon 19:22, 05 Lut 2007   Temat postu: Good opinion

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british france paris united airfare american british france paris united airfare discount military airfare discount military airfare cheap discount military airfare cheap discount military airfare discount military ticket airfare discount military ticket air travel air travel bel air travel bel air travel cheap ticket air travel cheap ticket air travel discount air travel discount air travel cheap air travel cheap air travel last minute air travel last minute air travel international air travel international air travel expedia air travel expedia air travel air travel reno nevada air travel reno nevada air travel india air travel india air travel deal air travel deal air travel site air travel site pet air travel pet air travel air travel ticket air travel ticket air canada travel air canada travel business class air travel business class air travel air orbitz travel air orbitz travel air travel fare air travel fare air new zealand travel air new zealand travel air travel china air 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PostWysłany: Pon 18:57, 05 Lut 2007   Temat postu: not suggest

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discount furniture nepa online store outdoor furniture store outdoor furniture store patio furniture store patio furniture store the brick furniture store the brick furniture store the brick furniture store canada the brick furniture store canada the brick furniture store in canada the brick furniture store in canada the brick furniture store ca the brick furniture store ca old brick furniture store old brick furniture store the brick furniture store toronto the brick furniture store toronto brick furniture store calgary brick furniture store calgary the brick warehouse furniture store the brick warehouse furniture store the brick furniture store ontario the brick furniture store ontario the brick furniture store in toronto the brick furniture store in toronto brick furniture sale store warehouse brick furniture sale store warehouse brick furniture store edmonton brick furniture store edmonton the brick furniture store ottawa the brick furniture store ottawa the brick furniture store canada the brick furniture store canada the brick furniture store in canada the brick furniture store in canada the dump furniture store the dump furniture store the dump furniture store langhorne pa the dump furniture store langhorne pa the dump furniture store houston the dump furniture store houston the dump furniture store houston tx the dump furniture store houston tx the dump furniture store in houston the dump furniture store in houston dump furniture pa store dump furniture pa store the dump furniture store houston texas the dump furniture store houston texas the dump furniture store in houston texas the dump furniture store in houston texas dump furniture in langhorne pa store dump furniture in langhorne pa store the dump furniture store new jersey the dump furniture store new jersey the dump furniture store in pa the dump furniture store in pa the dump furniture store pennsylvania the dump furniture store pennsylvania dump furniture in location store dump furniture in location store furniture store unfinished furniture store unfinished furniture mill store unfinished furniture mill store unfinished furniture store unfinished wood furniture store unfinished wood antonio furniture san store unfinished antonio furniture san store unfinished used furniture store used furniture store used office furniture store used office furniture store used furniture store phoenix used furniture store phoenix used furniture store chicago used furniture store chicago value city furniture store value city furniture store city furn furniture store value city furn furniture store value value city department store furniture value city department store furniture value city furniture store location value city furniture store location furniture store wickes furniture store wickes furniture location store wickes furniture location store wickes furniture store table wickes furniture store table wickes badcock furniture store badcock furniture store badcock dealer furniture 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PostWysłany: Pon 17:26, 05 Lut 2007   Temat postu: suggest

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PostWysłany: Pon 15:50, 05 Lut 2007   Temat postu: not suggest

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PostWysłany: Nie 15:45, 04 Lut 2007   Temat postu: 名前Cool

邪魔 Hello, nice site. フフフ

End Wink See you
PostWysłany: Pią 8:25, 26 Sty 2007   Temat postu: meeting

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PostWysłany: Nie 20:37, 21 Sty 2007   Temat postu: 名前Cool

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PostWysłany: Pią 11:17, 16 Cze 2006   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pon 18:58, 27 Mar 2006   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pon 16:06, 27 Mar 2006   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Czw 20:33, 26 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pią 0:14, 13 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Czw 18:56, 12 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

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a wlasnie Napa i Niucha wyobrazacie sobie tancerza w podartych spodniach??? Razz Razz nie no wedlug mnie musza byc dopasowane i wygodne i tak jest faktycznie...soryy
PostWysłany: Śro 21:05, 11 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

jej, te spodnie są okropne xD nie no to ja już wolę Billusia w tych swoich podartych i spadających dżinsach, juz ja widzę jakby w czymś takim wyglądał Laughing horror po prostu...
PostWysłany: Wto 17:01, 10 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

Tak jak w ujeżdżeniu Smile Ja się na tańcu nie znam, nie będę się kłócić co jest o i jak trzeba Wink
PostWysłany: Wto 16:54, 10 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

tzn. moze sie wydawać że one sa gejowsie jak to Napa okreslila...ale tak naprawde Tańcerze są najczęsciej bardzo, bardzo, bardzo chudzi i musza mieć jakieś dopasowane spodnie żeby im nie wysiały Razz a podciagnie tez muszą być bo tak jakoś o to chodzi że w tańcach towarzyskich ważny jest wyglad wszystko musi byc dopasowane i w ogole Razz

Po pierwsze:staramy nie stososować się skrótów myślowych (b.b.b.)
Po drugie: Pilnuj odstępów przy buźkach
PostWysłany: Wto 16:43, 10 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

Ahaha i te lakierki, spodnie podciągnięte pod brzuch! No nie moge, polałam Laughing

Hm... no może nie, ale ja nie widziałam nigdy jeszcze chłopaka w takich spodniach xD
PostWysłany: Wto 15:24, 10 Sty 2006   Temat postu:

ejjj Napa do tanca towarzyskiego nie sa obcisle spodenki a w dodatku gejowskie sa normalne czarne spodnie... jak nie wiezycie to fota...

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